Pool Game
This project was created for the physics module I did. The idea for this project is to create a pool game with physics. When creating this game I started thinking about what things will be needed to create. The objectives were:
Sprite Creation
Pool Table
White and yellow balls
Capability to pot the balls
Physic creation
Making it so the white ball moves by forces implemented my user
Having balls slow down over time
Having the balls bounce off the sides of pool table
Balls collision to inelastic collision.
In this project I was able to meet most of my objectives but was not able to make it collide with balls correctly. For this project I only spent about three hours a week on it that is two hours in class and an hour out. This was because I have other work to do and to have spare time for enjoying myself also. This means not everything could be created and fixed. A resource that I used was from the website Gama sutra to get collisions working. It was good work for helping understand collisions and how forces change when rolling across a table to slow down and also colliding with other objects.